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电影《האסירה X‎ (2023)》 - 1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

发表于 2023-5-13 06:10:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

电影《האסירה X‎ (2023)》 - 1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

导演: Limor Pinhasov

制片国家/地区: 以色列
语言: 希伯来语 / 英语
上映日期: 2023-05-13(特拉维夫国际纪录片节)
片长: 90分钟
又名: My Project X

电影《האסירה X》的剧情简介:

Michal Ben Horin reveals her childhood secrets. Through a personal film archive in which she holds private conversations with the world’s most psychopathic criminals, including Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez – The Night Stalker who murdered 18 people, Lynette Fromme – a member of the Manson family and the woman who tried to assassinate President Ford, and more.
Michal asks them questions she couldn’t ask her stepfather, Motke Keddar, a Mossad agent who murdered his informant and became known as prisoner X, but for Michal he is the man who hurt her, and the biggest psychopath of all. The filmmaker embarks on a 30 -year journey in which she wants to understand the dangerous madness behind the stamp of genius and logical proficiency of her stepfather.



小贴士:【影视自媒体解说文案请移步:夏至文案解说网 www.xiazhi.vip

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