
影片以旁白朗读的序言开头:“在我们的星球上,数百种动物、植物和昆虫生命通过利用改变颜色或形状的能力来保护自己,以融入周围环境。许多其他物种能够通过电击、酸或毒药杀死猎物。在宇宙中数以百万计的能够支持生命的行星中,可以肯定的是,数十万颗行星已经发展出了具有相似特征的生命物种,而且可能更危险,比在我们自己的地球上发现的外星人还要多。而且可以肯定的是,并不是所有的外星人遭遇都会是友好的!”一天晚上,年轻女子雪莉·华纳(凯西·理查兹饰)遭到一个看不见的超强生物的攻击并斩首。走在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡黑暗的人行道上。与此同时,在一次游艇派对上,有抱负的演员兰迪·莫尔斯(杰弗里·瑞斯饰)接近一位名叫德·伦泽(杰奎琳·海德饰)的通灵者,他预见了一场致命事件。第二天,化名史蒂夫·杜普雷 (Steve Dupree) 写作的作家罗伊·华纳 (Roy Warner)(威廉·德瓦内 William Devane 饰)得知女儿被谋杀。当罗伊到达太平间辨认尸体时,负责雪莉案件的警官戴夫·穆尼(理查德·杰克尔饰)认出了他。穆尼告诉他的搭档杰克·布雷斯勒警探(比夫·艾略特饰),罗伊三年前因谋杀妻子的情人而入狱,并被释放。穆尼就是逮捕他的警官。 与此同时,KFVI 电视新闻播音员佐伊·欧文斯(凯茜·李·克罗斯比饰)厌倦了时尚报道,说服她的老板谢尔曼·莫斯(基南·韦恩饰)将雪莉的谋杀案归咎于她。在晚间新闻中,她讲述了这起犯罪行为的异常残酷,同时还提到受害者的父亲是一名前科犯,也是一位成功的犯罪小说作家。德伦泽忐忑不安地看着广播,预感到凶手很快就会再次袭击。 那天晚上在一家制冰公司,员工亨利·莱德尔(弗农·华盛顿饰)来参加晚间巡查。当灯光闪烁时,他进入地下室调查,遇到了一个巨大的变异生物,它的眼睛变成了激光武器,烧死了亨利。 与此同时,在一家酒吧,穆尼与罗伊会面讨论此案,罗伊表达了他对警察能力的怀疑。罗伊宣称他将密切关注,以确保侦探追查每一条线索,但穆尼警告他不要干涉。随后,穆尼和布雷斯勒调查了制冰公司的犯罪现场,除了另一具残缺不全的尸体外,没有发现任何证据。当他们离开时,一群愤怒的公民要求警方加强安全保障。在他的车里安装了警用扫描仪后,罗伊听到了第二起谋杀案的报告,但穆尼拒绝透露细节。 第二天早上,德伦泽在警察总部向穆尼和布雷斯勒通报了她在游艇上遇到的年轻演员的事,她相信是他将与凶手相遇。然而,由于没有姓名或其他重要细节,侦探们驳回了通灵线索。与此同时,有关“破坏者”逍遥法外的报道占据了报纸的头条新闻。根据在雪莉指甲下发现的证据,病理学家(凯西·卡塞姆饰)发现凶手皮肤呈灰色,没有血管,一名警官开玩笑说他们正在寻找僵尸。斯佩尔上尉(沃伦·凯默林饰)警告他的员工不要向媒体透露这一信息,以免公众恐慌,然后向穆尼施压,要求他找到线索。后来,在一家餐厅,罗伊邀请佐伊到他的餐桌上,并试图获取更多细节案件上。尽管佐伊对罗伊的恶棍魅力很感兴趣,但她还是宣布警察负责并走开。那天晚上,一名离开酒吧的男子成为第三个受害者,巨大的生物僵尸在巷子里袭击了他,并扯下了他的头。与此同时,德伦泽感觉到这头野兽再次袭来。 警察总部前随后,一群示威者聚集在一起,抗议执法行动缺乏进展。佐伊采访了一名男子,这名男子声称警方更感兴趣的是骚扰无辜公民,而不是保护街道免受破坏者的伤害。随后,佐伊接受了罗伊的喝酒邀请。她满怀怀疑地告诉他,那天早上,一位名叫德伦泽的灵媒与她对峙,说的是一位潜在的受害者,一位不知名的演员,如果佐伊能找到他,他就会带领他们找到凶手。尽管罗伊对神秘学的可能性很感兴趣,但他更感兴趣的是引诱佐伊。 那天晚上,在她家里,德伦泽收到了飓风般的邪恶预感,这让她瘫痪并砸坏了家具。与此同时,在机场,无血的生物(约翰·布鲁姆饰)杀死了第四名受害者,一名空乘人员回到她的车里,该生物用激光眼将车烧毁。到达现场后,穆尼和布雷斯勒感到沮丧,因为除了他们的谋杀案之外,没有任何可辨别的谋杀模式。第二天早上,罗伊在家中的床上找到了德伦泽,他正在从中风中恢复过来。她警告他,那天晚上必须阻止外星杀手,否则这个生物将几乎是无敌的,因为它会随着每次谋杀而变得更强大。在佐伊的帮助下,罗伊搜索整个城市,寻找游艇上的未知演员。他们在各个夜总会打听,但没有任何运气,直到一位年轻女子卡米尔在酒吧无意中听到了他们的谈话。她说,她的男朋友兰迪最近吹嘘自己参加了一场豪华游艇派对,目前正在停车场喝得酩酊大醉,摸索着他的车钥匙。当佐伊和罗伊跑到外面时,兰迪加速逃跑,随后发生了一场汽车追逐,最终兰迪撞上了一座古老的修道院并逃跑了。当罗伊和佐伊寻找兰迪时,他们遇到了外星生物,它把兰迪的尸体扔进了砖墙。与此同时,跟踪罗伊汽车的穆尼到达现场,并在意识到这一点后立即请求支援。e mangler 就在现场。佐伊和罗伊能够躲避外星人,直到警察到达并用枪射击该生物。然而,外星人用他的激光眼和超人的力量杀死了许多军官,包括布雷斯勒。当佐伊受到威胁时,罗伊用火把挡开这个生物,然后将其点燃,导致外星人爆炸并消失得无影无踪。随后,罗伊和佐伊思考地球第一次与来自另一个星球的生物相遇。画外音旁白解释说,人类第一次遇到了外星生命形式。一个神秘的盲人(在整部影片中都有出现)在黑暗的街道上行走。从未解释过盲人是谁,或者他与外星人是否有任何联系。
The film opens with the following prologue read by a narrator: "On our planet, hundreds of species of animal, plant, and insect life protect themselves by using their ability to change their color or shape, to blend into their surroundings. Many other species are capable of killing their prey by use of electric shocks, acids or poisons. Of the millions of planets capable of supporting life in the universe, it is a certainty that hundreds of thousands have developed species of life with characteristics similar, and possibly more dangerous, than those found on our own planet earth. It is also a certainty that not all alien encounters will be friendly!"One night, a young woman, Shelly Warner (Kathy Richards), is attacked and beheaded by an unseen and super strong being while walking down a dark sidewalk in Santa Monica, California. Meanwhile, at a yacht party, aspiring actor Randy Morse (Jeffery Reese) approaches a psychic named De Renzey (Jacquelyn Hyde), who foresees a deadly incident in his future, but does not alert the young man.The next day, Roy Warner (William Devane), an author who writes under the alias Steve Dupree, is informed of his daughter's murder. When Roy arrives at the morgue to identity the body, Detective Dave Mooney (Richard Jaekel), the officer in charge of Shelly's case, recognizes him. Mooney tells his partner, Detective Jack Bresler (Biff Elliot), that Roy was released from prison three years ago after serving time for murdering his wife's lover; Mooney was the officer who arrested him.Meanwhile, KFVI television newscaster, Zoe Owens (Cathy Lee Crosby), who is tired of reporting on fashion, convinces her boss, Sherman Moss (Keenan Wynn), to assign her Shelly's murder. On the evening news, she relates the unusual brutality of the crime while also mentioning that the victim's father is an ex-convict and a successful author of crime fiction. De Renzey watches the broadcast with apprehension, sensing that the killer will strike again soon.That night at an ice company, employee Henry Lydell (Vernon Washington) arrives for his evening rounds. When the lights flicker, he enters the basement to investigate and encounters a large mutant creature, whose eyes become laser weapons that incinerate Henry.Meanwhile, at a bar, Mooney meets with Roy to discuss the case, and Roy voices his skepticism of police competence. Roy declares that he will be watching closely to make sure the detective is pursuing every lead, but Mooney warns him not to interfere. Later, Mooney and Bresler investigate the ice company crime scene and find no evidence, except for another mutilated body. As they leave, a crowd of irate citizens demands better security from the police. After installing a police scanner in his car, Roy hears reports of a second slaying, but Mooney refuses to share details.At police headquarters the next morning, De Renzey informs Mooney and Bresler about the young actor she met on a yacht, whom she believes will cross paths with the killer. However, without a name or other substantial details, the detectives dismiss the psychic lead. Meanwhile, reports of a "mangler" on the loose dominate newspaper headlines. Based on evidence found underneath Shelly's fingernails, the pathologist (Casey Kasem) reveals that the killer has gray skin and no blood vessels, prompting one officer to joke that they are looking for a zombie. Captain Speer (Warren Kemmerling) warns his staff to keep this information out of the media so the public will not panic, then pressures Mooney to find a lead.Later, at a restaurant, Roy invites Zoe to his table and tries to obtain additional details on the case. Although, she is intrigued by Roy's roguish charm, Zoe declares that the police are in charge and walks away. That night, a man leaving a bar becomes the third victim when the large creature-zombie attacks him in an alley and rips his head off. At the same time, De Renzey senses that the beastly creature has struck again.In front of police headquarters, a group of demonstrators gather to protest law enforcement's lack of progress. Zoe interviews a man who claims the police are more interested in harassing innocent citizens than keeping the streets safe from a mangler. Later, Zoe accepts Roy's invitation for a drink. With skepticism, she tells him that a psychic named De Renzey confronted her that morning about a potential victim, an unknown actor, who will lead them to the killer if Zoe can track him down. Although Roy is intrigued by the possibilities of the occult, he is more interested in seducing Zoe.That night at her home, De Renzey receives a hurricane-like premonition of evil that disables her and smashes the furniture. Meanwhile, at the airport, the bloodless creature (John Bloom) kills a fourth victim, a flight attendant returning to her car, which the creature incinerates with its laser eyes. Arriving on the scene, Mooney and Bresler are frustrated by the lack of any discernible pattern to the murders other than their nightly occurrence.The next morning, Roy tracks down De Renzey at home in bed, recovering from a stroke. She warns him that the alien killer must be stopped that night or the creature will be nearly invincible, as it grows stronger with each murder. With Zoe's help, Roy searches the city to find the unknown actor from the yacht. They inquire at various nightclubs without any luck, until a young woman, Camille, overhears their conversation at a bar. She says that her boyfriend, Randy, was recently bragging about attending a fancy yacht party and is currently in the parking lot intoxicated and fumbling for his car keys. When Zoe and Roy run outside, Randy speeds away, and a car chase ensues, ending with Randy crashing into an old monastery and running away. When Roy and Zoe look for Randy, they encounter the alien creature as it throws Randy's dead body through a brick wall.Meanwhile, Mooney, who was following Roy's car, arrives on the scene and requests backup as soon as he realizes the mangler is on the premises. Zoe and Roy are able to evade the alien until police arrive and barrage the creature with gunfire. However, the alien uses his laser eyes and super-human strength to kill many of the officers, including Bresler. When Zoe is threatened, Roy fends off the creature with a torch and then sets it on fire, which causes the alien to explode and disappear without a trace.Afterward, Roy and Zoe contemplate Earth's first encounter with a being from another planet. The voice-over narrator explains that man has its first encounter with an alien form of life. A mysterious blind man (glimpsed throughout the film) is seen walking down a dark street. It is never explained who the blind man is or if he has any connection to the alien.

《黑暗/The Dark》(1979) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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