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剧情梗概:灵镜传奇是一部剧情,动作,爱情,奇幻片,御剑山庄庄主尹天奇(卢星宇 饰)得知有人招降,令各剑庄抓紧铸剑抵抗,突然间“水月洞天”六大长老不期而至,收走了所有兵器。原来族长童战(杨俊毅 饰)迷信占卜术,为躲避灾祸,从不杀生的童氏一族收来一批不能伤人的劣制兵器。几年前,族内出了叛徒尹仲(徐少强 饰),族长与兄长童博(于波 饰)、三弟童心(张晋 饰)一起将叛徒打入岩底,但童博、童心也被本族镇族之宝灵镜吸入地狱岩。尹仲则被地狱烈火烧掉凡身修炼成魔,童博为救天下生灵,将自己的心换予尹仲,将智慧换予生来木讷的童心,灵镜被童博的深明大义所感动,将三人抛出地狱岩。童博的相好豆豆(蔡少芬 饰)将气若游丝的童博救回家,童家义婢龙雁(郑佩佩 饰)跪向灵镜发愿,甘用己命换回童博的博大灵魂……一句话评论:童博和豆豆。回首心刀恋,伤逝无痕间。雁过长空 影落留水 雁不留迹 影不留水。我只认定你,陪我相携一生。水月和灵境中的爱情回顾。一个人怎么可以这么不要脸——赵云。所谓天意。那些应该在第三部起作用的设定。永远的遗憾。【搬运】解读灵境里的童博,并不是死亡,而是重生。

Legend of the Spirit Mirror is a drama, action, romance, and fantasy film. The owner of Yujian Villa, Yin Tianqi (played by Lu Xingyu), learned that someone was recruiting someone to surrender, so he ordered all the sword villages to forge swords to resist. Suddenly, the six elders of the "Shuiyue Cave Sky" came to the rescue. They arrived on time and took away all the weapons. It turns out that the patriarch Tong Zhan (played by Yang Junyi) is superstitious in divination. In order to avoid disaster, the Tong family, who never kills anyone, collected a batch of inferior weapons that can't hurt people. A few years ago, a traitor Yin Zhong (played by Xu Shaoqiang) appeared in the clan. The patriarch, his elder brother Tong Bo (played by Yu Bo) and his third brother Tong Xin (played by Zhang Jin) drove the traitor to the bottom of the rock. However, Tong Bo and Tong Xin were also killed by the clan leader. The clan’s precious spiritual mirror was absorbed into the hell rock. Yin Zhong was burned by the fire of hell and transformed into a demon. In order to save all living beings in the world, Tong Bo exchanged his heart for Yin Zhong and his wisdom for the childish heart that was born dull. Ling Jing was moved by Tong Bo's profound righteousness. , throwing the three people out of the hell rock. Tong Bo's good friend Doudou (played by Cai Shaofen) rescued the angry Tong Bo home. Long Yan (played by Zheng Peipei), the Tong family's maid, knelt down to the spiritual mirror and made a wish, willing to exchange her life for Tong Bo's broad soul... In one sentence Comments: Tong Bo and Doudou. Looking back at the love in my heart, the sadness passed away without a trace. The wild goose flies across the sky, leaving its shadow on the water. The wild goose leaves no trace, and its shadow leaves no water. I only recognize you and stay with me for the rest of my life. Review of love in water moon and spirit realm. How can a person be so shameless——Zhao Yun. The so-called providence. Settings that should work in part three. An eternal regret. [Transportation] Interpretation of Tong Bo in the spiritual realm is not death, but rebirth.



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