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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《玫瑰江湖》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《玫瑰江湖》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


民国初年,江湖上燃起了一场血雨腥风,明家堡的盟主明帝为了一统江湖,公然挑战各大门派,一时间满目沧桑,尸横遍野   年幼的君绮罗随着父亲君无忌拾取尸体上遗留的兵器,遇见了从死人堆里爬出来的沈斯如,斯如如同惊弓之鸟,对四面布满了惧怕,绮罗心怀不忍,求父亲将她收留身边,当马车越过尸体离开草地时,绮罗发誓总有一天要建立一个没有杀戮的江湖。  春去秋来,时光荏苒,转眼间,十二年过去了,当年的斯如已成长为一名亭亭玉立的少女,她随君家父女一起住进君家的药坊,亦友亦仆的身份陪伴在绮罗左右,因为从小缺少亲人的缘故,斯如一直比较忍耐,比较谦和,因此赢得了药坊所有人的好感。  绮罗为人任性,喜欢作男孩妆扮,因为帮父亲打理生意的缘故,经常跟江湖人士结交,是镇上出了名的祸头子,无忌老担心女儿将来会嫁不出去,一次又一次地替她安排相亲,可惜绮罗心太大,总希望嫁个英雄,所以每一次有人来提亲,都将人吓走,久而久之,就没有人上门了,无忌一气之下,将绮罗关起来罚跪,绮罗有心偷溜出去玩,要斯如代她罚跪,斯如表面答应,心里却十分委屈。  绮罗来城里参加盂兰节,时值城里正四处收集年满十八岁之少女,绮罗觉得事有蹊跷,跟踪而去,意外地发现,那些少女即将运到山上给明家堡盟主明帝殉葬,绮罗心怀不忍,与逃出来的喜冰交换身份,混入陪葬人群中。   明家堡护法林初一花了一大笔钱,好不轻易揽下了修建陵墓的美差,正带着好友大牛,书呆喝酒庆祝,书呆说起初一老婆月牙儿怀孕的事,大家欢笑一片,忽然锣鼓声响起,属下报告,有人私闯陵墓,初一顿时手忙脚乱。  绮罗伙同姐妹们一起逃生,不想被明家堡的人发现,由于众人不会为武功,很快被明家堡的手下包围,绮罗初生之虎,大声训斥初一助纣为虐,初一望着众女,想着快要生产的月牙儿,放了绮罗,并让他们将众女带走,绮罗感激万分。  书呆见状劝初一脱离明家堡,自立山头,初一念及家人的安危没有答应,等他赶回家接妻子父母,不想却发现家已被烧,母亲妻子已为明家堡所杀,只剩老父一人,幸免于难,初一怀着悲愤的心,决定前往投靠沐家寨的沐晟,可是书呆却劝他自立一派,初一一时没了主意,被众兄弟推上了首领的宝座,建立了天地盟。  无忌为了能让绮罗嫁出去,不惜代价的请来一名女管家幻月,传授绮罗各种女红规矩,绮罗讨厌幻月天天勾三搭四,学得很不起劲,倒是斯如,为了让绮罗顺利过关,学得十分认真。  与此同时,沐家寨护法之子沐晟找到沐家寨主的后人冲怀,重建沐家寨,向明家堡发出攻击,不想却在途中遇伏,身受重伤,掉下悬崖。  绮罗和斯如正在泡温泉,沐晟掉下来,吓了他们一大跳,斯如不想管闲事,而绮罗却心地善良,将他救了起来。  当沐晟醒来的时候,发现照顾自己的是斯如,他对这个温柔漂亮的女子产生了莫名的好感。  男装的绮罗与沐晟畅谈天下,二人有说不出的默契,沐晟不知道她是女儿身,一直跟她以兄弟相当,斯如无法插入他们的话题,心中十分不平。  斯如为沐晟缝了衣服想表达爱意,不想绮罗忽然一身女装出现在沐晟面前,二人成为情侣,斯如一片痴心付之一炬,心中恨极了绮罗。  沐晟在跟绮罗的相处过程中,越来越受不了她跟他畅谈天下,他意外地发现其实他喜欢的只是这样一个朋友,而不是女人,他要的女人是软弱的,小鸟依人的,而斯如才是他心里的女人典范,可是因为道义,他没有把心底的秘密说出来,只是在无形中疏远了绮罗,斯如见机会来了,故意向沐晟示好,让绮罗看见,绮罗难过之余,拒绝再见沐晟,此时,江湖纷争又起,沐晟来不及解释,连夜离开了。  斯如见沐晟不告而别,怕绮罗会来怪罪她,故意演出苦肉计,让绮罗觉得那一晚她跟沐晟不过是场误会,绮罗不查,原谅了她。  明帝之子明不戒继续了明家堡,广招美女入宅,绮罗被看中,斯如贪图富贵,故意表示愿意代绮罗入选,要绮罗去找沐晟,绮罗感激不尽。  绮罗连夜逃走,来到白沙镇,结果遇见了流落在外初一等人,初一恨她当初害死自己的父母,故意向她示好,将她卖入妓院,可是一走出妓院门口,他又后悔了,他拉着绮罗逃出妓院,来到破庙,大牛和书呆等人都因绮罗救人一事受到牵连,纷纷要对她动手,初一抱着绮罗睡了一夜,第二天放她走,绮罗觉得对不起他们,决定留下来做他们的军师,在相处过程中,初一意外地发现自己对绮罗动心了。  斯如进入明家堡,不想明不戒有虐待狂,福没享到,倒整天受苦,这时,她发现不戒的侄儿明少卿对自己有意思,于是偷偷地联合少卿杀了不戒,少卿当了皇帝,斯如成了明家堡的女主人,她把她过去所受的罪全部归罪于绮罗,于是下旨将君家人全部关起来,要绮罗来见她。  绮罗得知消息匆匆往回赶,初一怕她会有危险,护送她回家,斯如以君家所有人的性命要挟,命绮罗嫁给初一,绮罗无奈,只好答应,新婚之夜,初一告诉绮罗,他不会碰她,只要她愿意,他可以一直做她的假新郎。  斯如自尊得到满足,返回明家堡,初一亲自送绮罗上船前往沐家寨,这时,沐晟打进白沙镇,与初一结义,正好跟绮罗错过了,初一一时私心作祟,隐瞒了绮罗去沐家寨的消息。  沐晟不知斯如代替绮罗入宫的事,当他得知绮罗被明不戒抢了,顿时怒发冲冠,他跟初一约定,先入明家堡者为尊,飞奔而去。  书呆利用绮罗留下的锦囊,指点初一,初一比沐晟快了一步进入明家堡,并向手下下令,不许骚扰民众。  斯如得知明家堡垮台,一边要少卿投降,一边混入丫鬟群中,逃往别院,沐晟到达大殿,斯如告诉他,绮罗已嫁初一,而自己被迫代绮罗进了明家堡,沐晟大怒之余,烧了大殿,杀了少卿,将斯如带回自己的营地。  斯如的楚楚动人和温柔婉约,很快赢得了沐晟的心,军师天罡时刻提醒沐晟,斯如决非善类,并让沐晟看到了她的阴暗面,可是沐晟却觉得她只是没有安全感,他以一颗阳光般的心,暖和了斯如的铁石心肠,终于在一天早上,原本浓装艳抹的斯如忽然变得清纯无比。  绮罗历经千辛万苦从白沙镇赶到江南,没想到正好遇见沐晟和斯如的婚礼,她绝望了,一个人站在雨里一动不动,这时候一把伞伸到了她面前,她回头看去,看到了初一深情的脸。  绮罗暗暗发誓要报复所有背叛她的人,那一夜她把自己交给了初一,她告诉他,你一定可以当盟主的。  初一的行为很快引起了天罡的留意,他看出了其人志气不小,欲除之而后快,于是他安排了一场宴会,企图杀他,就在宴会的当天,绮罗出现在了沐晟的地盘  究竟绮罗是如何利用计谋帮丈夫脱险的?  她在这场江湖的厮杀里又将扮演什么样的角色?  她,沐晟,初一,斯如四人之间还会出现什么样的感情纠葛呢?  一样的江湖,不一样的解读  多情的风在厮杀声中拉开了旖旎的帷幕




In the early years of the Republic of China, a bloody storm burned on the rivers and lakes. In order to unify the rivers and lakes, the leader of the Ming family challenged the major schools. Wu Ji picked up the weapon left on the corpse, and met Shen Siru, who crawled out of the dead, was like a bird who was shocked, and was full of fear of the four sides. Qi Luo couldn't bear it. At that time, Qiluo swear that one day to establish a rivers and lakes that have not been killed. Spring went to autumn, time was stunned, in a blink of an eye, twelve years have passed, and that year, Sri Ru has grown into a girl with a stunned girl. The identity is around Qiluo. Because of the lack of loved ones from an early age, Suru has always been more patient and modest, so he has won the favor of everyone in the pharmacy. Qi Luo is wayward and likes to make makeup. Because of helping his father to take care of business, he often associates with people of people. The land arranged a blind date for her. Unfortunately, Qi Luo was too big and always wanted to marry a hero, so every time someone came to mention the relatives, it scared people away. Over time, no one came to the door. Qi Luo had a heart secretly slipping out to play, and she wanted to k into her as a generation. Qi Luo came to the city to participate in the Yulan Festival. At the time of the city, the girl who was 18 years old was collecting. Qiluo felt that there was something strange, followed, and unexpectedly found that those girls were about to be transported to the mountain for Mingjiabao to give Mingjiabao to Mingjiabao Emperor Ming Emperor Ming was funeral, and Qi Luo couldn't bear it. He exchanged his identity with Xibing, who had escaped, and mixed into the funeral crowd. Mingjiabao took a lot of money on the first day of Falin, and it was so bad that he had taken the beauty of building the tomb. He was bringing a friend Daniel, a book dumb to celebrate. With a laugh, suddenly the gongs and drums sounded, and his subordinates reported. Someone broke into the tomb privately. Qi Luo guys escaped with their sisters. People who do not want to be found by Mingjiabao. Because the crowd will not be surrounded by Mingjiabao's hands, Qiluo's first born tiger, loudly reprimanded the first grade to help, and looked at the public. Female, thinking about the crescent of the crescent, put Qiluo, and let them take away the women away. Qiluo was very grateful. Seeing this, the book persuaded the first to leave the Ming family, standing on the mountain, and the safety of the first thoughts and his family did not agree. When he rushed home to pick up his wife and parents, he didn't want to find that the family had been burned. The mother and wife had been killed by Mingjiabao. Only the father left alone, spared the difficulties, and with a sad heart, he decided to go to Mu Sheng who voted for Mujiazhai, but the book died to persuade him to establish a faction. The throne of the leader established the World League. In order to make Qiluo marry, Wuji invited a female housekeeper to the fantasy moon at the expense, and taught Qiluo's various female red rules. For example, in order to make Qiluo pass smoothly, he learned very seriously. At the same time, Mu Sheng, the son of Mujiazhai, found MuThe descendants of the owner of the family village rushed, rebuilt Mujiazhai, and sent an attack on Mingjiabao. They didn't want to encounter it on the way, were seriously injured, and fell off the cliff. Qi Luo and Si Ru were soaking in the hot spring, Mu Sheng fell down, which scared them a big jump. Si Ru did not want to care about leisure, but Qiluo was kind and saved him. When Mu Sheng woke up, he found that he was taking care of himself, and he had an inexplicable impression on this gentle and beautiful woman. The men's Qi Luo and Mu Sheng talked about the world. The two had the tacit understanding. Mu Sheng didn't know that she was a daughter and had always been comparable to her. Si Ru sewed his clothes for Mu Sheng to express his love. He didn't want Qiluo to suddenly appear in front of Mu Sheng. The two became couples. In the process of getting along with Qiluo, Mu Sheng became more and more unable to bear her talk with him. He unexpectedly discovered that he actually liked that he liked such a friend, not a woman. The woman he wanted was weak. Human, and Sri Ru is a model of women in his heart, but because of morality, he did not tell the secrets in his heart, but just alienated Qiluo in virtue. Let Qiluo see that Qiluo was sad and refused to see Mu Sheng. At this time, the dispute between the rivers and lakes rose again, Mu Sheng was too late to explain, and left overnight. Seeing Mu Sheng said goodbye, fearing that Qiluo would blame her, and deliberately performed bitter tricks, making Qiluo feel that she was just a misunderstanding with Mu Sheng that night. Qiluo did not check and forgive her. The son of Emperor Ming did not quit Mingjiabao, and he entered the house in a wide range. Qi Luo was fancy. He was greedy for wealth. He deliberately expressed his willingness to be selected on behalf of Qiluo. Qi Luo went to Mu Sheng. Qi Luo fled at night and came to Baisha Town. As a result, she met the first person in the first year of the first year. The first day hated that she had killed her parents, and deliberately showed her well to sell her into the brothel. I regret it again. He pulled Qiluo to escape from the brothel and came to the broken temple. Daniel and book dumb were implicated because of Qiluo saving people. Let her go the next day, Qiluo felt sorry for them, and decided to stay as their military divisions. During the process of getting along, I accidentally found that she was moving to Qiluo. Sri Ru entered Mingjiabao, and did not want to be abstaining and abused, blessings did not enjoy, and suffered all day long. At this time, she found that the nephew of the nephew, Ming Shaoqing, was interesting to herself, so she secretly cooperated with Shao Qing to kill Without abstinence, Shao Qing became the emperor, and Si Ru became the hostess of Mingjiabao. She guilty of the crimes she had suffered in the past, so she ordered all the family members to meet her. Essence Qi Luo learned that the news hurried back, and she was afraid that she would be in danger. She escorted her home. On the night, he told Qi Luo that he would not touch her. As long as she was willing, he could always be her fake groom. Snoru was satisfied, returned to Mingjiabao, and personally sent Qiluo to the ship to Mujiazhai on the first day. At this time, Mu Sheng entered the whiteSha Zhen, with the first meaning of the first year, just missed Qi Luo. At the beginning of the first day, he was selfish and concealed the news of Qiluo Mujiazhai. Mu Sheng didn't know that Sri Ru instead of Qiluo's entry into the palace. When he learned that Qi Luo was robbed by Ming, he suddenly became angry. He agreed with the first year that he first entered the Ming family. Book of Book of Qi Luo left the pockets left by Qi Luo, and pointed out the first day of the first day. Mu Sheng entered the Mingjiabao faster than Mu Sheng, and ordered his hands to harass the public. When he learned that the Mingjiabao collapsed, he had to surrender, while being mixed into the girls, fled to the other courtyard, Mu Sheng arrived in the hall. In the Ming family, Mu Sheng was furious, burned the hall, killed Shaoqing, and brought Siru back to his camp. Sru Chuchu was moving and gentle, and quickly won Mu Sheng's heart. Feeling, with a sunny heart, he warmed the heart of the iron stone. Finally, in the morning, the originally dressed and gorgeous Si Ru suddenly became pure. Qiluo rushed from Baisha Town to Jiangnan after thousands of hardships. I did not expect to meet Mu Sheng and Suru's wedding. Looking back, I saw the affectionate face of the first year. Qi Luo secretly vowed to retaliate against everyone who betrayed her. That night she gave herself to the first day, and she told him that you could be the leader. The behavior of the first day quickly attracted the attention of Tianyu. He saw that his people were not ascending, and they wanted to remove it quickly, so he arranged a banquet to kill him. On the day of the banquet, Qi Luo appeared on the banquet. Qi Luo appeared on the banquet. How exactly did Mu Sheng's site use the strategy to help her husband escape the danger? What kind of role will she play in this rivers and lakes? What kind of emotional entanglement will there be in Si Ru, Mu Sheng, on the first day? The same rivers and lakes, different interpretation of passionate wind opened the curtain in the sound of fighting








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