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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《雪花神剑/玄雪剑》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《雪花神剑/玄雪剑》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


南宋末年,外族入侵武林中正邪两派只顾争名夺利,无法融和,此时,正道中人一起合力将魔教覆灭,魔教教主之女聂媚娘(米雪)为报此仇,遂夜闯少林,意图夺取《易筋经》,练成旷世神功。不料,被藏经阁之首座觉生(卢惠光)发现,展开大战,追逐间,彼此同堕山崖,一时无法逃出,二人被迫日夕相对,竟产生了一段孽缘后来,觉生无意中觅得出路,两人依依话别,觉生重返少林为僧,但媚娘已有了觉生之骨肉,其后诞下一女,名为聂小凤(龚慈恩)。多年来,媚娘仍为报复四处不断为祸武林,当时,正道之领袖及罗玄(姜大卫)和万天成(徐少强),二人召集了武林群雄围剿媚娘,媚娘不敌,只好携女逃到少林找觉生收容。觉生本着昔日恩情,力保媚娘母女,但最终媚娘也死在群雄乱刀之下。此际,还是小孩的小凤,目睹母亲惨死情况,对正派中人恨之入骨,心中已埋下复仇种子。当时,群雄为斩草除根,欲置小凤于死地,罗玄不忍,挺身维护,甚至与其好友天成反目,还带走了小凤返哀牢山欲感其归正。转眼间,小凤亭亭玉立,对罗玄且渐生倾慕之心。罗玄经不起小凤诱惑与小凤私定终身,还诞下了绛雪(杨恭茹)、玄霜(陈炜)二女。原来小凤一心要罗玄传授绝学后以后重出江湖,杀掉仇人,令武林再起风波。罗玄得悉,痛心不已,想找天成商讨对策,但被小凤暗中挑拨,两人于是势如水火,并相约一决高下。决战前夕,小凤乘机向罗玄下毒,以为从此可称霸江湖。然而,罗玄并没有死,危急之际,被丹童陈天相(甄志强)背负逃往血池。罗玄更绘出血池图,要天相将之带走,寻得有缘人前来血池苦练特技,望此人能除去魔障。天相甫出江湖,即被小凤色相所诱,几乎忘却师命。此时,妖姬余罂花(黎淑贤)又前来勾搭天相,聂、余二女争风,大打出手,天相更惨遭小凤夺去双目,危急之际,天相带走了两婴绛雪、玄霜。在途上,天相把血池图交托镖师周佩(关伟伦)之手,后隐居山中。但匆忙中却把绛雪遗下,并流落民间,后来绛雪无意中被小凤收养,但却不知彼此有着如斯关系。十八年后,小凤之武功已炉火纯青,且建立了冥狱,预备一统江湖。席间,周佩无意泄露了血池图之秘密,招致灭门及杀身之祸,其弟子方兆南(袁文杰)在追查凶手时,邂逅绛雪,绛雪宅心仁厚,极不同意小凤屠杀武林群雄之举,更被兆南的侠义心肠打动,为救兆南脱险,与兆南月下定立盟誓。成为有名无实之夫妻。后兆南唤起群雄对抗冥狱,往少林途中,遇天相和玄霜,时天相为冥狱人暗算所伤,危在旦夕,遂把毕生功力传予兆南,并将玄霜交托兆南照顾。玄霜为一清纯少女,对兆南一往情深。兆南周旋于绛雪、玄霜两女之间,一时难以抉择。其后,绛雪、兆南在血池内巧遇罗玄,罗玄见二人是可造之才,为救武林把绝学《雪花神剑》传之。更把当年的恩怨情仇告之,绛雪、玄霜才悉彼此是姐妹关系,于是二女与兆南之间的感情关系更为错综复杂。另一方面,天成竟与小凤携手修练魔功,并定下鹊桥之约,与正道群雄决一生死,最终是谁能够真正主宰武林?而兆南、绛雪与玄霜的三角关系又会如何了断呢?究竟,情义是否两难存?  雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第1集魔教被武林正道剿灭,教主之女聂媚娘及其私生女聂小凤逃脱,母女二人亡命天边,以万天成、上官天鹏及大方禅师为首之各派群雄衔尾穷追之.媚娘一直孤身力抗,屡次突破重围,杀伤不少正道中人,窜至栖霞岭四面.群雄重整旗鼓,实行封山搜索,媚娘母女不得已,佯装可怜,暂宿於一猎户家中;猎户不知就里竟热情招待之.猎户见群雄沿山搜索,渐对媚娘起疑,半夜迳往通知群雄,不料为媚娘识破,尽杀其一家老幼.天成等赶至,亦来迟一步,终被媚娘施计逃.媚娘欲找尸陀二老取龙舌剑,罗玄受群雄所邀,先至岭上打败二老,守在当地等媚娘前来.罗玄与媚娘大战时山石崩落,媚娘避过,但罗玄与小凤同堕崖下.罗玄救起小凤,感觉她与其亡妹甚相似,大生好感.但小凤醒来,即乘隙逃去会母.媚娘终寻获龙舌剑,又与小凤重逢,时罗玄及群雄追至,媚娘眼无法突围,竟抱小凤同跃崖下,罗玄大感震愕.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第2集群雄四下搜索媚娘母女,但遍寻不获.媚娘发现龙舌剑上有一线索,须以少林奇功方能开启,不禁犹豫万分,但为求复兴魔教,决动身赴少林.途中,小凤忽染病,媚娘心焦,夜出求医,不料为群雄发现,迅即陷入重围.媚娘奋战脱身,偕小凤逃到嵩山,时罗玄突至,媚娘不敌,小凤哭喊求饶,罗玄心不忍,竟放走.少林选出觉生接任掌门,是日举行大典,觉生似有难言之隐,但大局为重,无法推却.时群雄追踪媚娘至,借观礼为名,志在搜寺,大闹了一场.媚娘逃至後山谷底,未几,觉生突寻至,原来二人曾在此结下孽缘,小凤即为其所生,觉生为避群雄耳目,遂安置母女至一隐蔽地,并晓以佛法,冀其回头是岸,但媚娘仇恨心极重,拒而不听.小凤安闲度日,渐露童真,媚娘不欲拖累之,深夜向觉生道别,托其扶养小凤,觉生力阻之,并动以真情,媚娘终允退出江湖.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第3集激战之後,大方、天鹏身中剧毒,连罗玄也是束手无策,少林寺上下震动.觉生得知二人身上所中的乃是魔教三毒之一的银蟾毒,猜想此事定和媚娘有关,当下心下忐忑,暗自计算.当夜,觉生往找探媚娘求解药,媚娘初不允,觉生晓之以大义,媚娘终折服,将解药交觉生带回少林.觉生行动却引起罗玄疑窦,罗玄暗中跟踪,终侦出藏匿媚娘者乃是觉生,在罗玄严诘之下,觉生无奈将二十年前与媚娘一段孽缘说出,并恳请罗玄保守秘密.罗玄为了不欲少林及觉生名誉毁於一旦,终不作追究.史谋遁将魔教馀孽~曹卓首级带来少林公祭死去的正教人士,颂经之声引来了媚娘,媚娘一见谋遁,仇人见面,教破家亡父死之事又在脑海浮现,登时杀戮之心大炽,决杀谋遁而後快.媚娘为免觉生介入事端,在觉生面前,安心做一个织娘,却暗中利用织梭练成一种绝世武功.群雄未能查得媚娘行踪,相继下山.媚娘暗中跟踪谋遁来至南海剑派分舵,决大开杀戒.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第4集媚娘甫踏进南海剑派,竟陷入南海剑阵之中,原来谋遁早有防范,练习了一班剑术好手练成剑阵克制媚娘武功,媚娘连番苦战,终以银梭武功突围而去.谋遁返回,见悉心练习的剑手尽皆被杀,惊愕不已.小凤见母受伤归来,惊惶不已,细问因由,媚娘也不作隐瞒,将事情和盘托出,小凤支持,媚娘喜不胜禁.史谋遁去复回返,并带来南海剑派被血洗消息,群雄震动,觉生严诘媚娘,那知媚娘竟是直认不讳,觉生陷於情义两难,极度痛苦之中.另一方面,觉生得知罗玄怀疑到媚娘头上,自忖不能隐瞒,苦思之後深觉以前有负媚娘,决以自己性命换取媚娘和小凤之性命.觉生安排妥善,将媚娘和小凤娇装成香客山下,然後抱著必死之心,自招罪状,向大方及群雄领罪.此时媚娘及小凤已是成功下山,忽闻山上钟鼓齐鸣,媚娘忐忑不安,折返大雄宝殿一看究竟,竟是看到觉生自招罪状的一幕,媚娘不忍连累觉生,步出大殿,束手就擒,觉生愕然.三帮四派公审媚娘,觉生欲救无从空著急,谋遁自得非凡之际,媚娘七巧银梭骤然出手,群雄给媚娘致命的一击震慑,觉生情急,竟出重手伤了媚娘,谋遁乘机一剑将媚娘了断,小凤目睹一切,悲愤不已.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第5集觉生废媚娘武功,群雄将媚娘乱刀杀死,觉生欲救无从,悲痛内疚.群雄为斩草除根,欲杀小凤,觉生无力阻止,幸得罗玄出面,一力承担,要将小凤带返哀牢山,除其魔性,将之抚养成人,群雄无奈应允.罗玄带小凤返哀牢山,初遇罗玄丹僮陈天相,天相生性纯朴,对小凤此一新来的伴儿甚有好感,但小凤冷冷待之.罗玄不教小凤武功,只教其读书识字,欲以此除去小凤之魔性,小凤甚感无奈.春去秋来,小凤已亭亭十六岁,清秀绝俗,竟不觉地对罗玄生出倾慕之情,罗玄亦蓦然惊觉自己竟被小凤所吸引,开始对小凤有所避忌,但小凤冰雪聪明,窥知罗玄心意,愈发刻意妆扮,借故亲近罗玄.一日,小凤大担向罗玄示爱,罗玄厉色拒绝,小凤既羞且愤,於狂风暴两夜出走,罗玄大惊,四出寻之.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第6集罗玄四出找寻小凤,误被毒蛇所咬伤,小凤及时发现,将罗玄救返哀牢山.小凤见罗玄冒著暴风两四出找寻自己,芳心暗喜,替罗玄啜去蛇毒,罗玄伤後意志力大减,二人终及於乱....翌日醒来,小凤正自开心,不料罗玄却甚为後悔所做之事,并坦言不能够承认小凤与己的关系,决意埋首练丹,不再见小凤.小凤见罗玄狠心若此,好梦成空,伤心之馀更性情大变,认为天下男人尽皆负心,又萌生为媚娘报仇之念.小凤利用天相对己有好感,迷惑天相,令天相偷取「先天罡气」秘笈,偷练七巧梭,不料催谷过急,加上已身怀罗玄之骨肉,险些走火入魔,小凤再叫天相偷取「大环丹」,以增进功力,武功渐有所成.事情迅即被罗玄发现,罗玄对小凤大兴问罪之师,天相力保无效.小凤见罗玄如此决绝,遂与罗玄发生大冲突,罗玄惊闻小凤身怀六甲,深恐小凤魔性未除,竟将小凤软禁在石室之内.雪花神剑分集剧情介绍第7集小凤自从被罗玄软禁在石屋,罗玄往之探望,只间中向天相询问小凤之情况.一日,天相告之以男子之身照顾小凤多有不便,罗玄遂下山聘请「稳婆」以照顾小凤,天相遂下山,觅得一哑巴老妇,将之带返哀牢山.天相告知罗玄山下有瘟疫肆虐,罗玄急往察看,得知是「血龟」之症,罗玄遂决定专心练药以治此症,以解民困,亦好趁机一赎己罪.秋去冬来,正当罗玄埋首练药之际,小凤已诞下一对子女,罗玄闻言一愕,随即吩咐天相修筑庭园,以供小凤居住.天相欢天喜地往告小凤,小凤却心下一沉,心知罗玄欲将自己永远困禁在哀牢山,暗有打算小凤不动声色,每晚偷偷到树林凿取七巧梭,不料此举终被罗玄所发现,罗玄大怒,用天蚕丝锁小凤琵琶骨,坦言要将小凤终身留在山上!罗玄下山采药,临行前布下三个险阵,以防小凤逃走.小凤狠心抛下子女,只身逃离,岂料一出山门,已陷入罗玄所布的三关险阵




At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the two factions of foreign invasion of martial arts invaded the Wulin Zhongzhengxie only took care of their names and could not integrate. At this time, the people in the Zhengdao worked together to destroy the magic religion. Shaolin, intended to seize the \"Easy Book\" and practice into the world. Unexpectedly, I was found by the first Tibetan Scripture Pavilion (Lu Huiguang) and found that the war, chasing, and falling into the cliff with each other. They could not escape for a while. I could find the way, and the two were farewell to Shaolin as a monk. Over the years, Mei Niang has continued to make a deauses in the past. At that time, the leaders of the right path and Luo Xuan (Jiang David) and Wan Tiancheng (Xu Shaoqiang). Flected to Shaolin to find the health. In the past, Jue Sheng was in the past, and he was a mother and daughter, but in the end, Mei Niang also died under the chaos. At this time, the child's little phoenix saw the miserable death of his mother and hated the people in the decent people. At that time, the heroes wanted to cut the roots and wanted to set up Xiaofeng to death. Luo Xuan couldn't bear it, standing up for maintenance, and even with his friend Tian Cheng, he also took Xiaofeng to return to the mountain to feel corrected. In a blink of an eye, Xiaofeng Pavilion was stunned and admired Luo Xuan. Luo Xuanjing could not afford Xiaofeng's temptation and Xiaofeng for life, and also gave birth to two daughters of Xuexue (Yang Gongru) and Xuan Shuang (Chen Wei). It turned out that Xiaofeng asked Luo Xuan to teach out the rivers and lakes after studying, kill the enemies, and let Wulin restart the storm. Luo Xuan knew that he was distressed and wanted to find Tiancheng to discuss the countermeasures, but was secretly provoked by Xiao Feng. On the eve of the decisive battle, Xiaofeng took the opportunity to poison Luo Xuan, thinking that he could have been dominant. However, Luo Xuan did not die. During the crisis, Dan Tong Chen Tianxiang (Zhen Zhiqiang) bears the blood pool. Luo Xuan also painted the bleeding pool map, and he would take the sky to take it away. Tian Xiangfu was seduced by Xiaofeng's hue, and he almost forgot his life. At this time, the Demon Ji Yu Puhua (Li Shuxian) came to hook up the heavenly phase. Baby Xue Xue, Xuanshuang. On the way, Tian Xiang put the blood pool map to the hand of the dart master Zhou Pei (Guan Weilun), and then lived in the mountains. However, in a hurry, Xue Xue was left and flowed into the people. Later, Xue Xue accidentally adopted Xiao Feng, but did not know that each other had a relationship. Eighteen years later, Xiaofeng's martial arts had been in fire, and the prison was established to prepare to unify the rivers and lakes. During the meeting, Zhou Pei had no intention of leaking the secrets of the blood pool, causing the disaster and killing. His disciple Fang Zhaonan (Yuan Wenjie) was tracked in the murderer, and he met the snow and Xuexue's heart. The move was even more moved by Zhaonan's chivalry. In order to save Zhaonan from the danger, he made an alliance with Zhaonan Moon. Become a well -known couple. After the south of Zhaosan, the heroes fight against the prison. On the way to Shaolin, the heavens and Xuanshuang were encountered.And Xuanshuang took care of Zhaonan. Xuanshuang is a pure girl, and she is deeply affectionate to Zhaonan. Zhaonan Zhou spin between the two women of Xuexue and Xuanshuang, and it was difficult to choose. After that, Xue Xue and Zhaonan met Luo Xuan in the blood pool. Luo Xuan saw that the two were talented talents, and passed on the \"Snow God Sword\" to save Wu Lin. In addition, the grudges and resentment of the year, Xue Xue and Xuanshuang learned that they were sisters' relationships, so the relationship between the two women and Zhaonan was more intricate. On the other hand, Tiancheng and Xiaofeng joined hands with Xiaofeng to practice magic merits, and set up the contract of the bridge, and died with the heroes of the Zhengdao. In the end, who can truly dominate Wu Lin? And what will happen to the triangle between Zhaonan and Xuexue and Xuanshuang? After all, is love dilemma? Introduction to the Snowflake Diversity Diversity Plot Introduction Episode 1 The Demon Religion was destroyed by Wulin's Zhengdao. The tail is pushed. Mei Niang has been lonely, and she has repeatedly broke through the siege, kills many people in the right path, and rushes to Qixia Ridge. The group of heroes reorganized the chanting and implemented the sealing of the mountains. The mother and daughter of Mei Niang had to pretend to be pitiful and stayed in a hunter's house for the time being. When the hunter saw the heroes searching along the mountain, he gradually doubted the beautiful maiden. He went to the notification of the heroes in the middle of the night. Tiancheng was waiting for it, and he came one step later, and eventually escaped by Mei Niang. Mei Niang wanted to find a corpse Tuo Er to take the tongue sword. Luo Xuan was invited by the heroes to defeat Er Lao on the Ridge and stay in the local area. Luo Xuan and Mei Niang fell into the mountains and stones, and Mei Niang avoided it, but Luo Xuan and Xiaofeng fell under the cliff. Luo Xuan rescued Xiaofeng, and felt that she was very similar to her dead girl. But Xiao Feng woke up, and fled to the mother in the gap. Mei Niang finally searched for the agave sword, and reunited with Xiaofeng. Shi Luo Xuan and the heroes chased. Mei Niang's eyes could not break through. Introduction of the Snowflake Sword Diversity Plot Introduction of the second cluster searched for the mother and daughter of Mei Niang, but they couldn't find it all over. Mei Niang found that there was a clue on the agave sword, and she had to start with Shaolin Qigong. On the way, Xiaofeng was infected with illness, and Mei Niang was so focused. She asked for medical treatment at night. Mei Niang fought to escape, and Xiao Feng fled to Songshan. Shi Luo Xuan was in the end. Shaolin's selection of consciousness to take over as the head of the day. It was a ceremony of holding a day. It seems that there is a difficult consequences, but the overall situation is the most important and cannot be pushed. When the heroes followed Mei Niang, the name of the ceremony was in the search of the temple and made a noise. Mei Niang fled to the bottom of the valley, and it was not a few times. The first thing was looking for. It turned out that the two had forged a fate here. Xiaofeng was born. , And Xiaoxian Dharma, hoping to turn back to the shore, but Mei Niang's hatred is very heavy, but she refuses without listening. Xiaofeng An was free, and he gradually showed his childlike truth. After the Snowflake Sword Diversity Plot Introduction Episode 3, Geological and Tianpeng's toxicity, even Luo Xuan is helpless, lessLin Temple shook up and down. Jue Sheng learned that the silver toad poison of the three poisons of the magic religion was guessing that the matter was related to Mei Niang. That night, Jue Sheng went to find Mei Niang for solving the medicine. At the beginning of Mei Niang, he was not allowed to be, and Jue Shengxiao used the righteousness. The action of Jue Sheng caused Luo Xuan's suspicion. Luo Xuan secretly followed up. It was the event of the hiding woman who was hiding. Under Luo Xuanyan, Jue Sheng helplessly expressed the sin fate with Mei Niang twenty years ago. And ask Luo Xuan to keep secrets. In order not to want Shaolin and Jue Sheng's reputation to destroy them, they will not be held accountable. Shi Mouyi brought the orthodoxy people who died at the Shaolin Gong sacrifice at the first level of the magic religion. In the mind, the heart of the killing time was furious, and the murder was fastened. In order to avoid the involvement of the incident, Mei Niang was to be a weaver in front of Jue Sheng, but secretly used the weaving shuttle to practice a peerless martial arts. The heroes failed to find Mei Niang's whereabouts and went down the mountain. Mei Niang secretly followed the conspiracy to come to the South China Sea swordsmanship, and decided to kill the ring. Introduction of the Snowflake Sword Diversity Plot Introduction Episode 4 Mei Niangfu stepped into the South China Sea Sword School and was caught in the South China Sea Sword Array. It turned out that there was a precaution in the conspiracy and practiced a group of swordsmanship. Fighting in a row, eventually broke through with silver shuttles. Back to the conspiracy, the swordsman who had carefully practiced was killed and was shocked. Xiaofeng saw her mother's injury and returned, and she was frightened. She asked the reason for the reason, and Mei Niang did not conceal it. Shi Mouyi went back to return, and brought the news of the South China Sea swords to be washed by blood. The heroic vibrations and the birth of Yan Mei Niang, then Zhi Mei Niang was unbelievable. On the other hand, Jue Sheng learned that Luo Xuan suspected that he had been on Mei Niang's head, and he could not hide himself. After thinking about it, he felt that he had a listing mother before, and decided to exchange his life in exchange for Mei Niang and Xiaofeng's life. Jue Sheng arranged properly, put Mei Niang and Xiaofeng Jiao under the Fragrant Mountain, and then hugged the heart of death, recruited guilty, and guilty to generology and heroes. At this time, Mei Niang and Xiaofeng had successfully went down the mountain. Suddenly, when the bells and drums were heard on the mountain, Mei Niang was uneasy. When she returned to the Daxiong Treasure Hall, she saw the scene of seeing the guilty of self -recruitment. Out of the hall, he caught him with his hands, and he was stunned. The three gangs and four factions were tried to be Mei Niang. When I felt that there was no anxiety for saving, and the extraordinary self -conspiracy, Mei Niang seven clever silver shuttles suddenly shot, and the heroes gave Mei Niang a fatal shock. After hurting Mei Niang, she took the opportunity to take the opportunity to break the beautiful mother, and Xiao Feng witnessed everything, and she was so sad. Introduction to the Snowflake Diversity Diversity Plot Introduction Episode 5 Jue Nu Mei Niang Martial Arts, the heroes kill the beautiful girl, and I feel that I want to save it. I ca n’t save it. In order to cut the roots, the heroes wanted to kill Xiaofeng, and I felt unable to stop. Fortunately, Luo Xuan came forward and took the lead in taking it back to bring Xiaofeng back to the mountains. In addition to his magic, he raised it. Luo Xuan took Xiaofeng to return to the mountains. When he first met Luo Xuandan, Chen Tianxiang. Luo Xuan does not teach Xiaofeng Wu Gong, only teach him to readLiteracy, to remove the magic of Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng felt helpless. In spring to autumn, Xiaofeng is 16 years old, and he is beautiful and vulgar. He did not realize that Luo Xuansheng was admired. Luo Xuan also was surprised that he was attracted by Xiaofeng. He began to avoid Xiao Feng. , But Xiao Feng Bingxue was smart, peeking at Zhi Luo Xuan's heart, and more deliberate makeup, and approached Luo Xuan for some reason. One day, Xiaofeng Da took the love to Luo Xuan, Luo Xuanli refused, Xiaofeng was ashamed and angry. He ran away for two nights in the storm. Luo Xuan was shocked and went out. Introduction to the Snowflake Sword Diversity Plot Introduction 6th Episode 6 to find Xiaofeng, who was bitten by the poisonous snake. Xiaofeng discovered in time and returned Luo Xuan to the mountain. Seeing that Luo Xuan rushed to find himself in two or four, he was secretly happy, and he went to the snake venom for Luo Xuan. After Luo Xuan was injured, the will force greatly, and the two finally woke up the next day. She was happy, but Luo Xuan was very regretful, and frankly could not admit that the relationship between Xiaofeng and her own was determined, and she was determined to bury the head of Dan and not see Xiaofeng again. When Xiao Feng saw that Luo Xuan's heart was cruel, his dream became empty, and his sadness would change his temperament. Xiaofeng uses the sky to have a relatively good feelings, confuse the sky, and let the heavens steal the secrets of \"congenital qi\" and practice seven clever shuttle. Xiaofeng called Tian Xiang to steal \"Dahuan Dan\" to improve his skills, and martial arts gradually achieved. The incident was immediately discovered by Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan asked Xiao Feng Daxing's sin. Seeing that Luo Xuan was so decisive, Xiao Feng had a big conflict with Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan was shocked to hear that Xiaofeng was pregnant with six Jiajia. He was afraid that Xiaofeng's magic would not be removed. Introduction of Snowflake Diversity Diversity Plot Introduction Episode 7 Xiaofeng has been placed under house arrest by Luo Xuan in the stone house. Luo Xuan visited him, and asked Tianxiang to ask Tianxiang's situation. One day, Tian Xiang told the man to take care of Xiaofeng with a lot of inconvenience. Luo Xuan then went down the mountain to hire \"Stable Po\" to take care of Xiaofeng. Tianxiang informed Luo Xuanshan that there was a plague raging. Luo Xuan rushed to see that he learned that it was the disease of \"blood turtle\". Luo Xuan then decided to concentrate on practicing medicine to cure this disease to solve the people's difficulties, and to take the opportunity to redeem his sins. When the autumn went to winter, when Luo Xuan buried the first medicine, Xiao Feng had given birth to a pair of children. Luo Xuan heard a stun, and then instructed Tian Xiang to build a garden for Xiaofeng to live. Tian Xiang was happy to tell Xiaofeng, but Xiaofeng was sinking. He knew that Luo Xuan wanted to keep himself on the Mountain of Ai Jun, and he intends to be calm. Unexpectedly, this ended was discovered by Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan was furious and used the heavenly silk to lock Xiaofeng Pipa bone. He admitted that he would stay on the mountain for life! Luo Xuan went down the mountain to collect medicine, and three dangerous arrays were set up before leaving to prevent Xiao Feng from escaping. Xiaofeng left his child and fled alone.








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