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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《孽债2》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《孽债2》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


十年前远从云南千里迢迢奔赴上海寻找亲生父母的知青下一代已经纷纷长大,并且开始了自己的新生活。沈美霞以优异成绩考取了上海的大学,如今已经读到研究生,聪颖漂亮。粱思凡这个曾经聪明伶俐的男孩在一次意外中折断双腿,他一直留在上海,如今英俊的脸上布满忧郁;盛天华留在上海,住在了继父家中,和没有血缘关系的姐姐马玉敏偷偷相爱。家庭最和睦幸福的卢晓峰已经很像一个地道的上海人了,他和女朋友尚米亚感情牢固,正在存钱买房子预备结婚。只有安永辉因为高考落榜,仍然留在云南。故事就是从这里开始的  在五个当年一起从云南来的孩子们之中,卢晓峰的人生轨迹最像一个地地道道的上海人了在上海呆了十几年后,晓峰不但可以说一口毫无瑕疵的上海话,而且是朋友里第一个有了稳定工作和固定女朋友并且想要结婚的。在家人和朋友们的帮助下,他凑齐首付,实现了买房子的愿望,并且在拉着几个好朋友一起收房。  但是事情并没有晓峰想象的那样圆满,房子出现了很严重的问题,性格冲动的盛天华想要替晓峰出头,却无意间在总经理办公室外听到了了总经理和一个看不清楚长相人的对话,也因此和保安起了冲突。  要害时刻,美霞的同学林淼出现并且替天华解围,美霞请林淼吃饭表示感谢,却让思凡感到了不安,天华拉着他坐在小街边的摊子上喝着啤酒,回家途中碰到了常去七浦路调戏马玉敏的一伙流氓,他们打伤了思凡,惹怒了天华,一怒之下,酒意上头,竟然动起真功夫跟他们较量,天华反抗中误伤了对方,血从肩膀喷出来,溅了他一身。天华吓了一跳,酒也醒了。他吓得丢开匕首,掉头就跑。可没跑两步,就觉得脑袋嗡一声,应声倒地。  天华再醒过来的时候,已经身在一个偏远的马路旁了。电话回家,马玉敏急切的告诉他,警察和另外还有些来历不明的人在找他,让他千万不能回家。无奈之下,天华只得去找美霞。美霞把天华安排到了林淼的宿舍,林淼听说是白天在售房处打架的那个小伙子要求留宿的时候,他不动声色的抽空打了个电话,晚上天华被宿舍外的脚步声吓醒,打开窗户逃跑,开始了他的逃亡生涯。  天华回到云南投奔永辉,天华万万想不到,就在他开始跳上这条茫茫未知的旅途的时候,思凡已经住在医院里,面对着要不要截肢的考验了。原来,昨天晚上的那一磕,竟然伤到了思凡用了十年才好不轻易休养起来的膝盖,现在旧伤复发,他的腿病情恶化,医生说恐怕这辈子他都离不开轮椅了。  和晓峰米亚同购一小区的户主们找到了晓峰,他们有人目睹了昨天的全过程,认为晓峰上面有人,推举他作为业主的代表,去地产商那里要求赔偿。晓峰和尚米亚没有参加业主们的抗议闹事,晓峰却在米亚的带领下私下里去了开发商那儿透露了业主们闹事的计划,开发商提前做了预备,让前来闹事的人扑了个空,连一个人都没等到。事后开发商专程打来电话感谢晓峰和米亚,保证立即给他们调换房子,再送十万块钱的精装修。米亚幸福地坐在没装修的房子客厅里,已经能想象到日后房子的样子,这一切都意味着,他们可以结婚了。  天华告诉永辉小时候在集市上五毛钱一斤的普洱茶现在在上海一两一两卖,一两好几百块,永辉带着极微薄的一点现金,和满满两箱茶叶,坐上了去往上海的火车。  医院里。美霞天天都来探望思凡,可思凡却对她越来越冷淡。思凡就是吃了秤砣铁了心,下定决心这次一定要狠下心来借由天华的事儿让美霞干脆对自己死心,去追求属于自己的幸福。  永辉的茶叶很快就有了销路,一夜之间,永辉拿到了价值几十万的订单,他有钱了。拿着刚赚到的钱,永辉激动地请朋友们吃饭,刚好又赶上思凡出院,几个当年的好朋友总算又聚到了一起。  中缅边境。天华在玉石矿上成为了一名矿工,并且在这里碰到了一个他生命中另一个重要的女人碧玉美人,一个独自经营着小米线铺的漂亮寡妇,她的不凡,她的勇气,她的神秘让天华不能自持。她让他立即忘记了上海,忘记了马玉敏。  林淼在美霞碰到问题时,林淼总能够及时的出现并且提供帮助,让美霞十分的感激。心中苦闷的思凡却在网上聊天室寻找到了自我存在的感觉,他熟悉了一个名叫绿波小舟的网友,两个人的聊天十分的愉快。  永辉兴冲冲地再次从云南前往上海。并且在旅程中无意间结识了一个叫苏小安做苗族绣片生意的年轻姑娘,永辉苏小安很有好感。回到上海后可万万没有想到,这一次,他被这个上海买家坑了,顷刻间血本无归。  永辉陷入了疯狂的绝望中。他第一个想起去找父亲吴观潮帮忙。但是当吴观潮打听到坑害永辉的公司老板正是老丈人私交甚好的朋友的儿子之后,他立即退缩了,永辉愤怒地转身离去。永辉没有想到亲生父亲又一次抛弃了自己,他发誓这一次,不混出个人样绝不回云南去。  思凡想出了做一家房产信息交流网站的想法,得到了朋友们的支持。他们凑了很少的一点钱,开始了第一次创业。为了支持儿子,梁曼诚和林杉杉商量了一下,拿出了林杉杉下岗时候一次买断工龄的那笔钱给儿子做启动资金,那本来是打算买房子付首付的。思凡感动极了。  林淼文质彬彬、不动声色、却又攻势凌厉的追求着美霞。美霞对林淼感激万分,却始终无法接受他对自己的感情。这一天,美霞刚下楼,就发现一个蓬头垢面的男人坐在《法制与生活》杂志社门口。那人竟然是永辉!美霞惊异极了。永辉告诉美霞,自己被一个上海人坑了钱,他一直锲而不舍的在找那个人,现在终于找到了,但是报警后警察不管,说他没有证据。永辉想起了美霞在《法制与生活》工作,这才跑来找她的。  林淼再一次出现,步。第二天,永辉惊异的发现,那家骗过自己的公司关门了。他第一次意识到美霞身边的这个男人惊人的能量。永辉拿出最后的一点钱,洗了澡,买了身好衣服,找到了林淼的公司。从这天起,他留在了林淼的公司里。  童年的好朋友们再次聚会了永辉又不遗余力的吹嘘美霞的好朋友林淼的实力,尚米亚开心的请美霞帮忙,为自己和晓峰搞定一套低折扣的房子。美霞为难不已,永辉却拍着胸脯保证了下来。果然,林淼的一通电话打过之后,晓峰和尚米亚看上的那套房子的房价差不多减了一半。晓峰和尚米亚拖了多时的结婚证终于领了下来,两人欢天喜地地装修房子,预备结婚。就在这时,尚米亚的父母来到了上海。  尚米亚和外婆一样,都恨透了自己的父母。当年母亲在安徽下乡一意孤行的嫁给父亲,就代表着决定和家庭断绝往来。多年后,米亚和外婆还认为外公是被母亲气死的。她们告诉晓峰,父母显然是看外婆年纪大了,想回来占房子给同父异母的哥哥住,这些年来,他们一直在想尽办法让那个男人在上海立足。在得知晓峰因为不知情而答应让岳父岳母在婚后跟他们同住时,尚米亚象疯了一样对他发火。  婚宴当天,所有人都前来祝福。为了表示感谢,尚米亚特意请来了林淼。看着坐在一起的美霞和林淼宛如一双壁人,思凡第一次喝醉了酒。  也是在这个婚礼上,林淼主动邀请炀炀来自己的公司工作。梅云清大喜过望。林淼随口说了几个动迁的消息,牵动了一桌子所有人的神经。当听说沈若尘哥哥家的房子在动迁的范围里之时,梅云清当即决定,这房子理应也有炀炀一份,必须把炀炀的户口迁回去!  当晚,沈家为了要不要迁户口闹得不可开交。梅云清指着至今还在客厅里搭床的美霞质问丈夫,要不是你当年作的孽,炀炀会连带女朋友都带不回家里来?美霞把自己关在洗手间里,泪流满面。  第二天,美霞郑重拜托永辉帮自己租一间小房子,同时给林淼写了封邮件,感谢他这些日子对自己的照顾,但是她心里始终放不下那个人,所以无法接受他的情意,请他以后不要再来接送自己,更不用对自己这么好了。永辉帮美霞租好了房子,留了另一串钥匙给林淼。  美霞从家里搬了出去。为了把户口迁回奶奶家,炀炀也干脆搬过去住了。沈家一下子安静了下来。沈若尘跟梅云清持续冷战。为了给自己找一点事情做,沈若尘接受了一个号称最有名的钉子户的老读者的恳求,把他们一家的遭遇写成报导。沈若尘开始了调查和采访。  大雨夜。美霞租屋的保险丝烧了,家里一片漆黑。外面惊雷阵阵,美霞赫然发现林淼打着伞站在楼下!她实在不忍心,终于拿着伞跑了下去  安永辉在林淼的公司里越做越大,逐渐爬上了副总的位置。他就在这个时候,许久没有联系的父亲吴观潮忽然出现,说自己和漠苹的女儿生的孩子,也就是他的外甥突发高烧被查出白血病。吴观潮这才低声请求他说全家人的骨髓都不合适,想请他去试试。永辉顿时暴怒起来,那个两次遗弃了他的父亲只有在这个时候才来恳求自己,而且是在他凭借自己的能力在上海安身立命之后,父亲却要他为他们付出,永辉为吴观潮的自私怒不可遏,他毫不犹豫的拒绝了父亲。吴观潮很快求动了杨绍荃来为自己说情,永辉还是不为所动。  医院里,思凡的换膝盖手术异常成功。负责照顾他的小护士路小舟明目张胆的向思凡示爱,思凡无意间得知路小舟竟然是自己的那个一直在网上聊天的网友!思凡告诉路小舟,他出院以后,就要去找自己心爱的那个姑娘表白了。  思凡为了这个压抑了几十年的表白激动不安,却没有发现所有人都回避告诉他美霞的消息。就在他出院的前一天,林杉杉终于忍不住了,她告诉儿子,美霞要跟林淼结婚了。  美霞和林淼新婚在即。炀炀在林淼的安排下工作很自得,沈家动迁也分到了最好的房子。沈若尘和梅云清对这个女婿满足的不得了,在婚礼的预备上出手大方,生怕婆家看轻了美霞。  婚礼选择在上海最好的一家酒店举行。其豪华程度使得每个走进来参加婚礼的人都瞠目结舌。可最让大家惊异的,还是思凡。他不但丢掉了轮椅,甚至不需要拐杖就走进了大厅,而且身旁还站着一位漂亮的姑娘!经过介绍大家才知道,这个姑娘就是从前在网上苦苦追求思凡的网友,又阴差




Ten years ago, the next generation of educated youths from Yunnan Qianli to Shanghai to find biological parents had grown up and began to have a new life. Shen Meixia obtained the university of Shanghai with excellent results. Now she has read graduate students and is smart and beautiful. Liang Sifan, an once smart boy who had broken his legs in an accident. He has been staying in Shanghai, and now his handsome face is covered with melancholy; Sheng Tianhua stays in Shanghai, lives in his stepfather's house, and has no blood relationship with his sister Ma Yumin. Secret love. Lu Xiaofeng, the most harmonious family in the family, is very similar to a authentic Shanghai. He and his girlfriend Shang Mia are firm and are saving money to buy a house to prepare for marriage. Only An Yonghui still left in Yunnan because of the college entrance examination. The story is among the five children who came from Yunnan together in the past year. Lu Xiaofeng's life trajectory is most like an authentic Shanghai people who stayed in Shanghai for more than ten years. The flawless Shanghai dialect, and the first friend who had a stable job and fixed girlfriend and wanted to get married. With the help of his family and friends, he made up the down payment to realize the desire to buy a house, and he was holding a few good friends to collect the house together. However, things are not as complete as Xiao Feng imagined. There is a serious problem with the house. Sheng Tianhua, who is impulsive, wants to take the lead in Xiaofeng, but inadvertently hear the general manager and a person who can't see clearly outside the general manager's office. The dialogue also conflicted with security. At the moment of the key, Meixia's classmate Lin Miao appeared and siege for Tianhua. Meixia asked Lin Miao to thank him for dinner, but made Si Fan feel disturbed. When I met a group of hooligans who often went to Qipu Road to adjust Ma Yumin, they injured Sifan and angered Tianhua. In a furious, the wine was on, and the real kung fu was competed with them. Blood sprayed out of the shoulders and splashed him. Tianhua was startled, and the wine was awake. He frightened his dagger and ran around. But after two steps, I felt my head buzzing and fell to the ground. When Tianhua woke up again, she was already on a remote road. When I came home, Ma Yumin told him eagerly that the police and some people with unknown origin were looking for him, so that he could not go home. In desperation, Tianhua had to go to Meixia. Meixia arranged Tianhua to Lin Miao's dormitory. Lin Miao heard that when the young man who was fighting at the sales office during the day asked, he asked for a call calmly. Wake up, open the window to escape, and start his escape career. Tianhua returned to Yunnan to go to Yonghui, and Tianhua never thought of it. Just as he began to jump on this vast unknown journey, Si Fan had lived in the hospital and faced the test of whether he was amputated. It turned out that the knock on last night was injured that Si Fan took ten years before he could not easily rest. Now the old injury recurred. His leg condition deteriorated. The doctor said that he could not do without the wheelchair in his life. The owners who bought the same community with Xiaofeng Mia found Xiaofeng, and some of them witnessed the whole process of yesterday.He believes that there is someone on Xiaofeng, who is referred to his representative as the owner and goes to the real estate developer to ask for compensation. Monk Xiaofeng monk Mia did not participate in the protests of the owners, but Xiaofeng went to the developer to disclose the trouble of the owners in private under the leadership of Mia. Put ah, not even a person. Afterwards, the developer made a special call to thank Xiaofeng and Mia to ensure that they would change the house immediately and send them more than 100,000 yuan of refined decoration. Mia was sitting happily in the living room without decoration, and she was able to imagine what the house was in the future. All this means that they can get married. Tianhua told Yonghui that when he was a child, Pu'er tea, which was five cents of pounds on the market, is now selling one or two in Shanghai, hundreds or two, and Yonghui has a little cash and two boxes of tea. Sitting on the train to Shanghai. In the hospital. Meixia came to see Si Fan every day, but Si Fan became more and more indifferent to her. Si Fan just ate the scales, and he was determined that this time he must be hard to let Meixia simply give up his heart to pursue his own happiness. Yonghui's tea soon had a sales. Overnight, Yonghui received a hundred hundred thousand orders, and he was rich. Holding the money just made, Yonghui excitedly invited friends to dinner, and just happened to catch up with Si Fan to be discharged. Several good friends of the year finally got together. China -Myanmar border.天华在玉石矿上成为了一名矿工,并且在这里碰到了一个他生命中另一个重要的女人碧玉美人,一个独自经营着小米线铺的漂亮寡妇,她的不凡,她的勇气,她的Mystery makes Tianhua unable to hold himself. She immediately forgot to Shanghai and Ma Yumin. When Lin Miao encountered a problem in Meixia, Lin Miao could always appear and help in time, so that Meixia was very grateful. The distressed Si Fan found the feeling of self -existence in the Internet chat room. He was familiar with a netizen named Green Bo Xiaozhou. The chat between the two was very happy. Yonghui rushed to Shanghai again from Yunnan. And during the journey, he accidentally met a young girl named Su Xiaoan as a Miao videos business. Yonghui Su Xiaoan had a good opinion. After returning to Shanghai, I never thought that this time, he was pitted by this Shanghai buyer, and his blood was indifferent. Yonghui fell into the crazy despair. He first remembered to find his father Wu Guanchao for help. However, when Wu Guanchao found out that the owner of the company who harmed Yonghui was the son of a friend with a good personal relationship with Laozhang, he immediately retreated, and Yonghui turned angrily and left. Yonghui did not expect that his biological father had abandoned himself again. He vowed this time, and he would never go back to Yunnan. Si Fan came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a real estate information exchange website and was supported by friends. They made a little money and started their first business. In order to support his son, Liang Mancheng and Lin Shanshan discussed it and took out the money that bought the working age when Lin Shanshan was laid off. It was originally intended to pay the down payment for the house. Si Fan was very moved. Lin Miao Wenbin, calm, but againThe offensive pursuing Meixia. Meixia was very excited about Lin Miao, but he could not accept his feelings for himself. On this day, as soon as Meixia went downstairs, he found a unkempt man sitting at the door of the \"Legal System and Life\" magazine. That person turned out to be Yonghui! Meixia was terrified. Yonghui told Meixia that he was pitted by a Shanghai person. He had been looking for that person persistently, but now he finally found it, but the police did not care after the alarm said he had no evidence. Yonghui remembered Meixia's work in \"Legal System and Life\", and then came to find her. Lin Miao appeared again and stepped. The next day, Yonghui found out that the company had closed his company. He first realized the amazing energy of the man around Meixia. Yonghui took out a little money, took a bath, bought good clothes, and found Lin Miao's company. From this day, he stayed in Lin Miao's company. The good friends of their childhood meet again with the strength of Yonghui and spared no effort to brag about Meixia's good friend Lin Miao. Shang Mia happily asked Meixia to help him and Xiaofeng's low -discount house for himself and Xiaofeng. Meixia was embarrassed, but Yonghui patted her breasts to guarantee. Sure enough, after Lin Miao's phone call, the house price of the house that Xiaofeng monk Mia saw was almost half of the house. Monk Xiaofeng Monk Mia dragged a long marriage certificate and finally received it. The two rejoiced the house and prepared to get married. At this moment, Shang Mia's parents came to Shanghai. Like Grandma, Shang Mia hates her parents. At that time, the mother married his father in Anhui to go to the countryside, which represents the decision to decide with the family. Many years later, Mia and her grandmother also thought that her grandfather was killed by her mother. They told Xiaofeng that their parents obviously looked at their grandmother and wanted to come back to occupy the house for their elder brothers. Over the years, they have been trying to make that man stand in Shanghai. When he learned that Xiaofeng promised to let his father -in -law and mother -in -law live with them after marriage, Shang Miya became angry at him like crazy. On the wedding banquet, everyone came to bless. In order to express gratitude, Shang Mia deliberately invited Lin Miao. Looking at Meixia and Lin Miao, who were sitting together, like a pair of people, Si Fan drunk for the first time. At this wedding, Lin Miao took the initiative to invite Yan to work in her company. Mei Yunqing was overjoyed. Lin Miao casually said a few news of relocation, which touched the nerves of everyone at a table. When I heard that Shen Ruochen's house's house was in the scope of relocation, Mei Yunqing immediately decided that there should be a copy of this house, and he must move back to the household registration! That night, the Shen family could not move in order to relocate. Mei Yunqing pointed out that Meixia, who was still in the living room, asked her husband. If it wasn't for your sin, he would not even bring his girlfriend to bring home? Mei Xia kept herself in the bathroom, tears flowing. The next day, Meixia solemnly asked Yonghui to help him rent a small house. At the same time, he wrote an email to Lin Miao and thanked him for his care for herself. Please do not pick up himself in the future, let alone so good to himself.Yonghui helped Meixia rent the house and left another key to Lin Miao. Meixia moved out of the house. In order to move the hukou back to the grandma's house, Xun also moved over. The Shen family suddenly quietly. Shen Ruochen and Mei Yunqing continued to the Cold War. In order to find something for himself, Shen Ruochen accepted the pleading of an old reader who known as the most famous nail household, and wrote the encounters of their family as a report. Shen Ruochen started investigation and interviews. David night. The fuse of Meixia's rental house was burned, and the family was dark. Throughout the thunder, Meixia suddenly found that Lin Miao stood downstairs under the umbrella! She couldn't bear it. Finally, An Yonghui, holding an umbrella, did the bigger and bigger in Lin Miao's company, and gradually climbed up the position of the deputy president. At this time, his father Wu Guanchao suddenly appeared for a long time, saying that he and Mo Ping's daughter had a child, which was the sudden high fever of his nephew. Wu Guanchao asked him to say that the bone marrow of the whole family was inappropriate, and wanted to ask him to try it. Yonghui suddenly became angry. The father who abandoned his father twice only begged himself at this time, and after he set his life with his own ability, his father asked him to pay for them. Yonghui was Wu Guanchao's selfishness. Furious, he refused his father without hesitation. Wu Guanchao quickly asked Yang Shaoquan to talk about himself, and Yonghui was still unmoved. In the hospital, Si Fan's knee change surgery was extremely successful. The little nurse Lu Xiaozhou, who was responsible for taking care of his little nurses, showed love to Si Fan with his eyes. Si Fan accidentally learned that Lu Xiao was the netizen who had been chatting online! Si Fan told Lu Xiaozhou that after he was discharged, he would go to the girl he beloved to confess. Si Fan was excited and uneasy for decades for decades, but did not find that everyone avoided the news that Mei Xia. The day before he was discharged, Lin Shanshan finally couldn't help it. She told her son that Meixia was going to marry Lin Miao. Meixia and Lin Miao are about to get married. Under the arrangement of Lin Miao, Yue was very contented. The relocation of the Shen family was also divided into the best house. Shen Ruochen and Mei Yunqing were very satisfied with the son -in -law. They were generous on the preparation of the wedding, for fear that her in -laws would lighter Meixia. The wedding chooses to be held in Shanghai's best hotel. The degree of luxury makes everyone walking in to the wedding dazzling. But what surprises everyone is Si Fan. He not only lost his wheelchair, but also walked into the hall without a crutch, and there was a beautiful girl standing next to him! After introducing everyone, this girl is the netizens who have worked hard on the Internet on the Internet, and they are poor.








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